Mutton Shikampuri Kabab || Salad Filled Mutton Shaami Kabab

The kebab recipe is pretty similar to the Shami kabab recipe. We cook the mutton and dal together and then grind it to a fine paste. But we add the hung yoghurt with chopped veggies filling with the kebab dough before frying. Shikampuri Kebab can be made with meat, poultry or even with vegetables. The most important technique that makes Shikampuri different from Shammi Kebab is its stuffing. Yes, the Shikampuri kebab is stuffed with cream and hanged thick yoghurt and is moister and melt in the mouth as compared to Shammi kebab which is a little more fibrous. An ideal party snack option, or even a great starter to your brunch party. Shikampuri Kebab is a must in my home, especially during Ramadan.
